Monday, December 22, 2014

Spend time in reflection, for happiness and self-healing this holiday season

During the holidays, I finally have a chance to begin to reflect and rejuvenate, spend time with my husband, my girls (grown and working) and our doggies, Eli, Janey and Satch (below).  Ease and reflection are my biggest gifts to myself.  I subscribe to Marc and Angel Hack Life, a wonderful blog, that I actually have time to read when there is a little space in my day and in my mind.  Blessings to you and yours during this beautiful holiday season.  May you find love, joy and peace all around you, and within you. 

I hope you enjoy this crosspost from Marc and Angel Hack Life - 27 Simple Things to Start Doing For Your Happiness

I really do love their blog.  In this blog, I especially love #2 - Start filtering out the noise in your life. – Be careful about who you give the microphone and stage to in your life.  Don’t just listen to the loudest voice.  Listen to the truest one.

Another favorite, #6, echoes the wonderful teachings of Jon Kabat-Zinn, wonderful guru of mindfulness;  Start being present. – If your mind carries a heavy burden from the past, you will experience more of the same.  Let it go.  And also be careful not to dwell so much on creating your perfect future life that you forget to live today.  Be here now and make the most of it. 

There are many wonderful suggestions from this blog, in fact each of the 27 are gems, so I am sharing one more and suggest you read the entire blog for yourself. 

Here is one more, #23; Start focusing only on what you can control. – Never force anything.  Give it your best shot and then let it be.  If it’s meant to be, it will be.  Don’t hold yourself down with things you can’t control.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Oh the days trickle down to a precious few...

Fall is almost with us.  I chuckle as I say this, as it is almost 90 degrees outside as I write this afternoon, the dog days of summer.  However, there are signs in NJ and NY that autumn is coming, that cannot be denied.  The sun rises later and sets sooner.  I measure these things by the trek to work, with that rising sun hitting me in the eyes, and just a bit darker as I walk to my car in the early evening to make the drive home.  My drive is about 20 miles, so the change in rote is very noticeable to me. 

I smell the freshness and coolness in the air in the early morning as my dogs make their first run outside.  The earth smells differently than it does in the heat of summer.  Plants are beginning to change, getting ready to move back into themselves, away from the huge explosion of growth through late spring and summer.

I try to embrace every season, but it is hard to keep my thoughts away from school, from cooler darker days.  I work at a college and it is always a joy to meet our new students.  They are ready for a fresh start, full of expectation, sometimes nervousness, as well as bravado to hide the nervousness.

Meanwhile, I'll try to get ready for the cooler weather, the need for a sweater, a coat, even a hat.  Are you ready?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Welcome Spring!

Hello and blessings for a wonderful Spring!  I am so glad that Spring is finally upon us in northern New Jersey.  The snow finally melted and the daffodils are up and in full bloom.  Yay!  As soon as I smell the spring air, my spirit is lifted and my dreams soar.  What are your fondest wishes for Spring?