Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jess suggests easy fritatta

Hi All,
I'm at it again with the cooking! My daughter, Jess suggested an easy grab and go breakfast that can be made ahead, frozen and nuked. Here it is:

Jess' Individual Vegetable Fritatta

preheat oven to 350o

1 cup egg whites (carton egg whites are fine)
1 whole egg (for color)
1/3 cup Ricotta cheese
1/2 cup freshly finely grated parmesan or romano cheese, divided
1 tablespoon whole wheat flour (for a bit of body) or 1 tablespoon ground flax
salt and pepper to taste
about 1 1/2 - 2 cups of your favorite vegetables
(they can be left over or fresh)

I used 4 stewed tomatoes, chopped, 1/2 cup finely chopped red onion, 4 stalks asparagus diced, fresh, and 2 large flowers chopped broccoli left over from last night's dinner
Spray a non-stick pan with cooking spray (like Pam)and heat pan.
add raw veggies. In my case, I cooked onions on medium til translucent and added asparagus and continued to cook until asparagus was tender. Added diced stewed tomatoes and broccoli and cooked until no liquid (from tomatoes) remained. Remove from heat.

Pull out a 6 or 12 cup cupcake tin. Spray 6 cups with cooking spray (or use paper cupcake liners, if you prefer)

Fill the 6 cups 1/3 loosely with veggies. Let mixture continue to cool.
In medium mixing bowl mix egg white, egg, ricotta, 1/4 cup of parmesan, flour, salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and add to each filled tin until almost full.

Place in 350o oven for about 20-22 minutes or until cooked through.
Eat and enjoy. :)

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